Women, Children and Family

Parent and Child Health

West Moreton Health (WMH) Child Health Service partnered with the community to aid us in improving the services we provide. With your feedback we can evaluate if our services are meeting the community's expectation.  This quick survey will take approximately 3 minutes to complete.  Please note all feedback will be confidential. Click here to complete survey.

Parent and Child Health is an integrated service for children from birth to 18 years and their families, that offers:

  • well baby and toddler health checks
  • parent education groups
  • healthy feeding breast/bottle
  • sleep and settling support
  • behaviour management programs
  • after birth support
  • hearing screening for children four to 18 years
  • school based vision screening for Prep students
  • school based youth health nurses.

Well baby drop-in clinics

No appointment necessary

Brief (15 minute) consultation with a Child Health Nurse

  • growth and development
  • feeding and nutrition
  • sleep and behaviour information
  • parent support
  • opportunity to meet other parents
  • information regarding other services
  • self weigh baby scales available at Ipswich and Goodna child health clinics.


  • Goodna Child Health
    Phone: (07) 3818 4800
    Tuesday: 8.30-11.30 am and 1-3.30 pm
    Friday: 8.30-11.30 am
  • Ipswich Child Health
    Phone (07) 3817 2340
    Monday: 8.30-11.30 am
    Wednesday: 1-3.30 pm
  • Redbank Plains Child Health
    First Wednesday of the month: 9-11.30 am
  • Ripley Child Health
    Monday and Thursday: 1-3 pm
  • Springfield Child Health
    Monday: 9 am-3 pm

Infant feeding clinics

No appointment necessary

Breast and bottle feeding


  • Goodna Child Health
    Tuesday: 8.30-11 am
    Thursday: 1-3.30 pm
    Friday: 8.30-11am
  • Ipswich Child Health
    Monday: 8.30-11 am
    Wednesday: 1-3.30 pm
    Thursday: 8.30-11 am
  • Telehealth consultations Thursdays (no specific times)

Clinics by appointment

Book an appointment (for 45-60 minutes) by phoning 1800 607 030


  • Boonah Child Health
    First and third Friday of the month: 9.30-11.30 am
    First Friday of the month: 1-3 pm
  • Esk Child Health
    9.30 am-2.30 pm second Tuesday and 9.30-11.30 am fourth Tuesday of the month
  • Fernvale Child Health (in school term only)
    Third Thursday of the month: 9.15-11.30 am
  • Goodna Child Health
    Tuesday and Friday: 1-3.30 pm and Thursday 8.30-11.30 am
  • Gatton Child Health
    9.30-2.30 pm first Tuesday and 9.30-11.30 am third and fifth Tuesday of the month
  • Ipswich Child Health
    Monday: 1-3.30 pm

    Selected Tuesdays: 8.30 am-3.30 pm
    Thursday 1-3 pm

    Friday: 8.30-11.30 am
  • Laidley Child Health
    Laidley Hospital
    9.30-3 pm first, third and fifth Thursday and
    Laidley State School 9.30-11.30 am second and fourth Thursday 

    Breastfeeding support
    Immunisation clinic (at Laidley Hospital location) with appointment booking only - phone (07) 3817 2340
  • Lowood Child Health
    First Wednesday of the month: 9.30-11.30 am 
  • Ripley Child Health
    Monday: 1-3 pm
  • Springfield Child Health
    Monday: 1-3 pm

Fourth trimester

A four-week education program for parents with their new babies during school terms.

Appointment booking is required. Phone 1800 607 030 to reserve your seat.


  • Gatton Child Health
  • Goodna Child Health
  • Ripley Child Health
  • Telehealth group

Sleep talk (bookings required)

Infant sleep and settling information for 0–12 months.

  • Telehealth group
    Monday: 1 pm (booking necessary)

Four-to-six month education session

Infant development and introduction to solids for 4-6 month olds.

  • Face-to-face and telehealth group
    Once a month (booking necessary)

Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)

A program offered to assist parents to recognise common causes of child behaviour problems and to provide parents with strategies to manage behavioural issues. Appointment booking is required.

Phone 3817 2340 to reserve your seat. 

Early intervention parenting specialists including Circle of Security Parenting Program

An eight-week program focusing on developing and enhancing secure parent and child relationship. Phone 1800 607 030.

Multidisciplinary team

  • child health nurses
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers
  • early intervention parenting specialists - provide parenting support for families with infants and young children
  • social work counselling - young parents and children.

Hearing clinics

Available for children 4-18 years old (older age group while attending school) by appointment.

Phone (07) 3817 2324


  • Laidley immunisation clinic
    Thursdays at Laidley Hospital
    Appointment booking is required. Phone (07) 3817 2340 to reserve your seat.
  • Ipswich City Council service
    Phone (07) 3810 6666 for dates and times

Day stay

Sleep support for under 1 year of age.

  • Ipswich Child Health
    Second Friday of the month (booking necessary - speak to your child health nurse)

Child Health afternoon clinic appointments are available at most of these locations. Phone 1800 607 030 to make a booking.

Location Address
Boonah Child Health Boonah Hospital, Corner Highbury and Leonard Streets, Boonah, 4310
Esk Child Health Esk Hospital, 30 Highland Street, Esk, 4312
Fernvale Child Health Fernvale State School, 1605 Brisbane Valley Highway, Fernvale, 4306
Gatton Child Health Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre/Library, 34 Lake Apex Drive, Gatton, 4343
Goodna Child Health Goodna Community Health, 81 Queen Street, Goodna, 4300
Ipswich Child Health Ipswich Health Plaza, 21 Bell Street, Ipswich, 4305
Laidley Child Health Laidley Hospital, William Street, Laidley, 4341
Laidley State School, 232 Patrick Street, Laidley, 4341
Lowood Child Health Community Centre, 1 Peace Street, Lowood, 4311
Redbank Plains Child Health Fernbrooke State School, 8 Regents Drive, Redbank Plains, 4301
Ripley Child Health Providence Community Hub, 6 Amity Way, South Ripley, 4306
Springfield Child Health Springfield Central Library, Corner Main Street and Sirius Drive, Springfield Central, 4300